- Carrying out quality control inspections of the work being carried out
- Advising when quality levels have not been achieved
- Dealing with queries raised by the builder/contractor during the course of the work
- General liaison with the builder/contractor to minimize the stress that the construction process can sometimes place on a Client
- Holding progress meetings with the builder/contractor and other members of the Design Team
- Advising the Client on progress and costs
- Issuing instructions or certificates that may be required by some types of building project
- Assisting with the handover of a project
- Obtaining ‘sign-off’ by the building control body etc
- Ensuring that the requirements of the CDM regulations have been achieved
- Ensuring that the building has been satisfactorily constructed and is fully complete
- Helping with operating and maintenance manuals
- Providing assistance during any post completion defects liability periods and ensuring that remedial work is satisfactorily undertaken